CFD News Wire

News Wires

News wires play an important part in getting the news you need either streaming via your terminal, web sites or via email. News in financial markets is critical and often moves the markets... Knowledge is power!

bloomberg logo

Bloomberg news is carried over on its  own terminals and also is available via its own website. Its timely news headlines are always seen as industry leading. Its reporting is accurate and will only publish news that it can quantify with a named source. It does not publish rumours making Bloomberg  a highly reliable news service. When it comes to breaking financial news Bloomberg is very hard to beat which is why its trusted by the investment community from around the world.


dow jones logo

A global newswire  carried over on various platforms and can be broken into regions that you may be covering. It also has its own website from which one can get access to the wire. Dow Jones Financial Wire is the flagship within the group and covers global news. Dow Jones wires carry "market talk" topics which have views from the trading floor as well explaining any sudden movements in the financial markets. Dow Jones newswires also own the Wall Street Journal as well as the U.S news service Market Watch.  Dow Jones is part of News Corp which is listed on the U.S. stock market.

 CNBC is a dedicated business televison channel as well providing a news service. Its based in the United States but has a global reach. Its pretty much a direct competitor to Bloomberg TV channel and its web site as it operated in a similar manner.




Image result for alliance news  Alliance News is a UK focused service offering two levels,one which is standard and the other being the professional version which offers more in depth stories. Both have important European news too. The newswire is offered on various market data platforms. It offers a various comprehensive news service. There is a European version too which is called DpA International Profeed. Alliance News has been recently been forming relationships with various market data vendors.

Thompson Reuters logoA truly global news service relied upon from every corner of the world, whether its politics, sport. entertainment or business Reuters is always there. Its available from its own website or the streaming news is carried over the Eikon terminals. When it comes to financial news Reuters has to be up there with the very best. The in depth news coverage is hard to beat and is a trusted source for its content from around the world. 

Day by day logoWhilst newswires offer breaking news to drive the markets  there are also charting newswires for the technical traders. This newswire updates in real time either from its own website or via a  subscription over a  Market data platform. It pin points entry  and exit levels as well alerting you the direction the shares or indices are likely to break in real time. The firm is based in France but their work  is highly regarded in the investment community. Day by Day can also be subscribed through various vendor terminals

logo Trading CentralAnother French site again highly respected technical analysis looking  at various technical indicators such as the RSI, MACD, moving averages and Bollinger bands. Available either through the website or subscribed in real time to various market data terminals. Trading Central can now be accessed from various CFD and spreadbetting platforms although additonal fees may apply to subscribe to their service.

Street account logoThis newswire is based in the U.S. and covers all financial news in real time streaming directly from its website. This wire is now expanding into Europe. It has a comprehensive fundamental and research data to view. This is a subscription service to access its data. The service access is through the internet although FACTSET do offer the newswire on their terminals. It can also be subscribed on the Interactive brokers platform as an ad on. It has recently improved its offering and now one can set Twitter alerts by handle or by  company which can emailed directly to your inbox. Its a very useful function especially in this day and age where social media is often ahead of the mainstream wires.


 If you have not heard of Social Media than you must be living in the dark ages! Its now become a very important source of information in everyday life. It too has seen a huge demand in the Financial arena as often you can find breaking news first on Social Media before it even hits the headlines and news agencies from around the world do often keep an eye on this social media. Facebook RSS and Twitter are  highly regarded in this field for up to the minute breaking news. Some Market Data vendors have this explosive demand and now offer these services on their platforms.


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